Tenured Microsoftie | Wealth45 | Personal Finance | Build Wealth, Retire Well

Tenured Microsoftie

  • Microsoft stock has provided big rewards—especially over the past 5 years or soand prior to year 2000 for old timers.

    If you have been with Microsoft over these last few years, your ESPP and RSUs have done very well. Life is good.

    It may be a great time to step back, apply some more structured thought to your finances, and develop a solid plan for your family’s future.

    • Given my exposure to Microsoft stock (via RSUs), how should I be thinking about my other investments?
    • Should I participate in the Employer Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)? If so, what should be my strategy?
    • As my highly appreciated RSUs vest over the next couple of years, am I prepared for a potential spike in my total compensation?
    • With such a generous 401(k) plan, how can I take full advantage of the benefits? Should I be contributing after-tax dollars beyond the maximum tax-deferred contribution limit?
    • Should I switch to a high-deductible health insurance plan for the tax benefit? How much should I contribute to my Health Savings Account (HSA)?

    Wealth45 provides information and resources to help bring clarity and focus to these decisions and your overall financial life.

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