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  • Guidance for Amazon Employees

    Savings Strategies for New Parents

    As life starts settling back to a normal routine following the arrival of your child, your attention will turn to the daunting prospect of funding their education. Beyond the basic need to stash away dollars, there is a myriad of choices today for educational savings. Plus, keeping your retirement savings on track will avoid requiring […]

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  • 3 Financial Moves for New Parents

    Having a child is a defining moment in everyone’s life. And as with all major life changes, being aware of the financial implications and having a plan is vital. This post aims to help new parents become more financially savvy as they nurture and care for their new baby. Here are a few concrete steps […]

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  • You’re Having a Baby!

    A new child impacts most parts of your life. Sleep deprivation may be the most immediate and directly-felt impact, but there is also a significant change to your finances. The decision to have a child is a major milestone and defining moment in life. And as with all major life changes, being aware of the financial […]

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  • Happiness And Your Money

    You may have heard about a study out of Princeton University’s Center for Health and Well-Being which pegged the income required for maximizing happiness at $75,000 annually. The essence of the study’s findings is that day-to-day happiness, or what the study refers to as “emotional well-being,” continues to increase as income rises to $75K, and […]

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Guide individuals and families on their journey to financial independence and help prepare investors to be savvy in the management of their personal wealth.

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